Measure C Frequently Asked Questions
Measure C is a locally-controlled funding measure that provides essential services such as maintaining and upgrading local streets, roads and highways throughout Fresno County. Measure C funding increases overall quality of life for local residents by making roads safer, reducing congestion and improving air quality.
Fresno County voters have overwhelmingly voted in favor of this local funding source twice in the past 35 years. Measure C, which ensures that our highways, roads and overall transportation system meets the needs of Fresno County residents, will expire soon – unless local voters act to renew it.
What is the condition of Fresno County roads?
Nearly two-thirds of streets and roads in Fresno County were recently rated by independent engineers as either “fair”, “poor” or “very poor.” These essential repairs have been put off for too long. We need to continue to fill our potholes, fix our streets and make them safer before conditions get even worse and become more expensive to repair.
Is our current highway system outdated?
Much of our current highway system was designed in the 1960s when the population was almost a third of what it is today. Highway 99 needs major improvements to help improve traffic flow, eliminate congestion and upgrade safety, while 180 East and West and 41 South need upgrades to better connect our rural communities. This measure will help address traffic congestion and will help keep up with the growing population of drivers on our roads.
While Measure C has brought about improvement, there is still much work to be done to meet our community’s needs. Renewing Measure C would benefit Fresno County residents.
Will the locally-controlled Measure C help create new jobs?
Measure C will give our County the economic boost it needs. Local economists estimate that freeway, street, public transit systems and bridge improvement projects funded by the measure extension will create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. When those workers spend money locally, it will generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue for Fresno County’s local businesses.
How will local funds from Measure C be spent?
Funds from Measure C will be used to fix potholes; pave roads; keep public transit bus fares low for students, seniors, veterans and the disabled; upgrade structurally declining bridges, overpasses, roads and highways; clear litter; improve 911 emergency vehicle access; provide safer routes to schools; reduce traffic; improve air quality by investing in zero-emission public transit; and create local jobs.
How will I know if funds from Measure C are being spent appropriately?
This measure extension would continue to include strict accountability requirements including a Citizens’ Oversight Committee, independent annual financial and performance audits, and public disclosure of all spending. By law, all the money will be used solely to maintain and improve Fresno County’s transportation system and cannot be diverted to other purposes or taken or redirected by state or federal governments.
Does Measure C provide transportation support to seniors?
This measure will expand low-cost senior transportation options available such as Senior Taxi Scrip programs and reduced transit fares and will make other public transit improvements that support seniors, including veterans and individuals with disabilities, to help maintain their independence and reduce the burden on their families and other caregivers.
Is the air quality bad in Fresno County and can Measure C do anything to improve it?
Traffic congestion and large diesel trucks travelling through our County has resulted in some of the worst air quality in the state. One-quarter of Fresno County kids suffer from asthma. This measure will help ease traffic and reduce emissions from traffic congestion by widening roads and adding passing lanes, and it will also invest in zero-emission public transit and school bus fleets to improve our air quality.
Do we need reliable source of funding to maintain and upgrade our aging transit system?
Population experts estimate that Fresno County’s population will reach close to 1.2 million people by 2040. Such an increase will result in tens of thousands of new cars on our roads daily. We need this reliable source of funding to maintain and upgrade our aging and inadequate highway, road and public transit networks to meet our County’s current and future needs.
Will Measure C make public transit safer?
Yes. Renewing Measure C will make public transit safer, more convenient and more reliable by adding new routes, express transit buses and by improving scheduled pick-up times. These improvements will help give us more transportation options and will ensure that seniors, students, people with disabilities, and residents without cars can run errands and get to their jobs, schools, or doctors.
Will funds from Measure C be taken by the State government to improve infrastructure elsewhere?
No. All funding will be locally-controlled to meet the needs of our community. The State will not receive one cent of the funds generated from Measure C.
Has Measure C been successful in the past?
Since 1986, funding from Measure C, the Fresno countywide voter-approved local transportation funding, has helped build over 60 miles of new highways; filled hundreds of thousands of potholes and improved traffic flow on 1,200 miles of roadways throughout the County. Its investments continue to reduce commute times and provide transit bus services. This measure would renew Measure C to keep our transportation system in good condition now and into the future.
What are some Measure C project priorities?
- Repairing potholes
- Keeping roads in good condition
- Keeping the local transportation system in good condition
- Creating local jobs
- Paving roads in areas where needed
- Upgrading structurally declining bridges and overpasses
- Improving traffic flow and safety on highways
- Keeping public transit fares low for seniors, students, veterans and the disabled
- Improving highway and freeway safety
- Clearing litter on the side of highways
- Improving air quality
- Adding street lighting where needed
- Protecting low-cost senior transportation options
- Improving 911 emergency vehicle access
- Providing safer routes to schools
- Upgrading local streets to reduce flooding
- Improving traffic flow on local streets
- Synchronizing signals
Will Measure C include public input?
Measure C is all about improving the quality of life for our local residents. We need your input and involvement to shape Measure C, which would ensure that this locally-controlled funding not only provides essential services to improve our transportation system, but also includes thoughtful solutions that meet the needs of every Fresno County resident.
How can I provide feedback and get involved?
We would love to hear from you. You can provide feedback by taking the following survey.
FCTA wants to know what is important to you. Collectively, we have an opportunity to craft a plan that will continue to ensure residents of Fresno County have access to safe, reliable and efficient transportation facilities and services.
How can I learn more about Measure C?
Learn more at https://measurec.com/

Please take the following survey to provide feedback and help us better understand your transportation needs. We would love to hear from you: